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Upgrading myself to version 1.01

I've made a plan to stop smoking since last year. I know smoking is a bad habit and not good for me. After government introduce new tax price for tobacco last year, seems like i'm affected and knock by the impact of that action. Imagine, a pack of Marlboro 20's cost me about RM 6.50. If multiplies by 30, it will cost me about RM 195.00 every month. Wahh.. it almost take 20% of my net salary. Of course the government will increase tobaccoes tax each year and one day for sure i cannot bear the increase anymore. Otherwise, cigarettes is not allowed by 'Majlis Fatwa Negeri Selangor' and labeled as 'Haram' by them since 1995.

Back to the time when i'm start to puff a cigarettes at 13, i plan to stop at age 23 because i know the danger of cancer. Hehe.. now i already 24 years old, hehe.. I should stop smoke a year ago.

I already bought Nicorette Gum ( A nicotine therapy) which can supply me 2mg nicotine/stick to replace 1.5mg nicotine/stick i get from cigarettes before. Hehe.. but i never chew it because, actualy i still cannot throw away the pleasure of holding a stick of cigarettes at my mouth. So the Nicorette Gum ended laid in my desk until now.

Hahaha.. but unfortunately last evening, when i follow my dad to fetch my sister at section 19 Shah Alam, While holding a last 2 stick of cigarettes inside a pack of Marlboro 10's, something suddenly pop up in my mind. I'm thinking, if I swear in the name of god not to smoke for a month may it help? Yes.. why not? I can hold myself from smoking when i'm fasting during Ramadhan.. because i'm subjected and tied with an obvious rule. Hehe.. so i manage to make a swear in the name of god not to smoke for a month starting from yesterday... and hehe.. it done and i have a feel that i'll succeed. Now, after 24 hrs. i can hold myself from smoking even after eating spicy food during lunch. Hehehe... (ask any smoker, it's hard to avoid smoke habbit after eating spicy food)

It is a successful job isn't it? Hehe.. i can save RM 200 this month.. yeah yeah ..! ( I won't break my swear because I'm using god name in my swearing)

Hmm the upgrade version of myself is nice isn't it?


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