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Khalwat? Pretty? and Tudung?

KOTA BARU: A 21-year-old university student was yesterday fined RM1,200 for committing khalwat (close proximity) with one of Kelantan’s imported football stars.

Farrah Aina Safian Sauri, 21, from the International Islamic University (IIU), pleaded guilty to committing

Uouch!... Unbelieveable.. how can a cute girl like this been cought for khalwat offence? By looking at her face and style, i though she at least an ordinary good girl. Pity her, why she need to do such act?
It is true what people always said.. 'don't judge books by its cover', kekeke.. chances for cute girl like her to become 2nd hand stuff is quite high. That's why some of elders i met said a girl which not have pretty face, may be pretty at other hers other side, because no one will touch it.
(But I don't agree with the quote 100%, because i once had saw unpretty girl who had unpretty attitude and may contribute for being 2nd hand stuff :p)

I know girls with 'tudung' cought in Khalwat is not a rare case, but something is fishy here. I'm thinking, is it necessary for reporter to highlight this case and put it in newspaper with a picture? Why they have to do that?

Is it because :=

1. She's Cute?
2. She's from Kelantan?
3. She's International Islamic University students?
4. She's wearing tudung?

What will happen to her now when her face is publicized at newspaper? Will nobody want her anymore? Isn't cruel and unfair for her when newspaper showing off her face? anyway and seems lke to publicized her wrong doings?
Pity girl... I hope she will not waste her life with something stupid after all exposure create by the newspaper.
Tapikan.. kalo cun camni kalau semua org takmo lagi...let me, take her... (2nd hand pon 2nd hand laaaa.. janji insaf) hahahaha....

Question: why girls from eastshore usually cute at first thought??

Anyhow, i heard a quote saying "Good girl is for a good man, good man is for a good girl", i believe most of people had heard that quote too. By relating the quote to myself, now i know... i'm good man and all the girl i admire before is a bad girl, that's why i canNOT get them... (Yes! Yes!).

Back to the topic, for me, public should not criticize or condemn any girl wearing 'Tudung' because for me, 'Tudung' is essential... it is better for her geeting caught khalwat by wearing tudung. It only one wrongdoing instead of two. Furthermore, usually by wearing 'tudung', it may prevent people from commit any wrongdoing... for example, is there any girl will go clubbing by wearing tudung? If wrongdoing still committed, there must be something else contribute to the problem.

Hope cases like this will not turn down morale of other girls who wearing 'tudung' and I also hope it will not become a main reason for other girl for not wearing 'tudung'.

p/s : Tapi ada jugak org pakai tudung, tapi nampak pangkal - pangkal baju sikit, sampai aku yg takmo pandang pun terpandang secara automatik seolah - olah ada sensor. Nasib baik lepas tu dia tutup balik.... adoila...doniya.. doniya..


Anonymous said…

Here's your tudung clad aweks... enjoy!
Anonymous said…
ermm...susah gak erk..bila pakai tudung ader kes camnie..suke2 je paper siarkan muka nyer..tapi bila tak pakai tudung org tak kisah pun. sian gak kat bdk pmpn tuh tp nak wat camner..dia yg tempah maut..

tapi izhar, ader gak yg pakai tudung kenkadang jer..contoh bila nak g keje baru pakai tudung tapi bile g shopping complex tak pakai pun...lagi dedah lagi ader ler..

dah ramai sgt camtu skrg nie..tudung sekadar syarat jer bg diorg. serupa mcm tak pakai tudung. tudung pun skrg nie dah mcm2 fesyen...trend...gaya...takat nampak leher tu...biasa ler..janji tudung yg digayakan tu nampak lawa..bukan nyer niat nak jaga aurat pun...

kalau dulu2..kawan2 aku ckp budak2 yg mcm nie..selalu nyer dari sekolah agama yg tak campur lelaki dan perempuan..kira2 kejutan budaya ler konon nyer...masa sekolah elok jer pakai tudung tutup semua...tapi lepas sekolah...abis semua terbukak..pengalaman ni dari member aku sendiri yg bersekolah penuh agama dulu.
JinChrist said…
as the saying goes dun judge a book by its cover so in this case dun judge a girl by her tudung. anyhow, i believe the girl is a good one. "Maksiat" is not a crime by civil law. One bitten twice shy. I'm not here to judge but i believe this case is not a crime case. I felt pity for the girl instead and i believe the girl has learn it lesson. Ini adalah part of growing pain. I know boys will be boys girls will be girls. so let us not condemn the girl. Boys is even worst, they always has the chance to escape this sort of punishment. think about it..what about boys?. any 1st hand boys nowadays. i dun think so..rite?.

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