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A visit to OUM Library

I have a chance to visit OUM library last saturday. Previously i want to have some exercise on ECO164 at Perpustakaan Komuniti PJ, but i forgot the library is closed every saturday and Sunday 1st and 3rd week every month.

Currently Azrai also want to have his own revision, so he ask me me to go to OUM library. Opss.. yeah.. OUM stands for 'Open University Malaysia'.

OUM main campus is located at Universiti Malaya area and it's entrance is at area near PWTC. It is a very quite and peaceful area located in the centre of university. When i go there i saw some people are wearing graduation cloak, err.. having graduation without banner? hehehe... maybe the amount of students is very little, Azrai said that's maybe certificate or diploma convocation only.

OUM library is small, but looks good. For 3 hours i sat there i only manage to learn about 'coordinate' in macroeconomics graph. WTH.. 'coordinate' topic was teached at form 4 mathemathics. Now i'm 25, how come i forget about it, glad Azrai can refresh my mind by reteaching me about the simple basic topic. Now i know, i'm confuse between vertical and horizontal axis where in mathm horizontal axis is labeled as (X) but in economy horizontal axis is labelled as (Y) "(Y) for income" hehehe... i admit i'm to dumb to understand it alone. And for 3 hours i tried to solve question 2 and question 3 on 2001 PYQ, i cannot solve anything because the modul UiTM gave to me is displaying wrong graph. WTF? I depend on the module and the module is trying to show me false information. Huh!.. dumb person like me will turn to dumber.

Conclusion: Yesterday i learn nothing about solving the PYQ.

Anyway i glad cos Azrai introduce me to his coursemate 'Wan' about streamyx. Wan is actually one of streamyx contractor. After hearing his explaination about streamyx, now i know why my streamyx line was disconnected almost 3 weeks. He also teach me on how to use bittorrent properly. Hehe.. cool.. based on his advise, now i'm downloading 'LOST episode 1" and "F.E.A.R".

The remaining hours after 3 hours at library were spent at Suria KLCC and trapped under rain.

Azrai using intranet facilities

Another view of computer facilities at the library

Kawan Azrai "Wan", he preferred as anonymous

Opss, accidently shooting somebody butt at KLCC when trying to adjust my camera phone,, hahaha.. kalo bontot mcm nie pakai low waist jean, saper pon tak marah.. tapi kalo bontot berkerak pakai low waist jean bukan sahaja orang marah, mak bapak pon benci nengok. Hehe..

But, overall i think PTAR2 at UiTM shah Alam is better compared with OUM library. Compared to PTAR? uncomparable. But in event of staff treatment, maybe libraryian at PTAR2 need to go to some civic course (in case of my own experience). Azrai told me, at OUM, students is the boss, students is the customer.


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